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Hello and welcome to Indonesian Survival Phrases, brought to you by IndonesianPod101.com This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Indonesia. You'll be surprised at how far a little Indonesian will go. Now before we jump in, remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com. And there you’ll find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.
Indonesian Survival Phrases Lesson 58. Renting A Vehicle
In today’s lesson we'll introduce you to a phrase that will help you get to the places you need to be! In some places trains and buses are the way to travel, but it's also very useful to know how to rent a car, scooter, or bicycle.
In Indonesian "I would like to rent a car." is Saya mau sewa mobil. Let’s break it down by syllable Sa-ya ma-u se-wa mo-bil. Now let’s hear it once again Saya mau sewa mobil. The first word saya means "I" or "me." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time sa-ya. saya. This is followed by mau, which in Indonesian is "want." mau. ma-u. mau. So to recap here, we have saya mau. Literally this means "I want." Let's take a look at the next word sewa which means "to rent." se-wa. sewa. Finally we have mobil, which means "car." mo-bil. mobil. So altogether we have Saya mau sewa mobil. Literally this means "I want to rent a car."
Now we'll look at the words for other vehicles to open up your transportation options. In Indonesian, the word for "scooter"/"moped" is sepeda motor. And the phrase "I would like to rent a scooter/moped" is Saya mau sewa sepeda motor. Next, the word for "bicycle" is sepeda. se-pe-da. sepeda. And the phrase "I would like to rent a bicycle" is Saya mau sewa sepeda.
If you're renting something, it's also important to know when you must return it! Therefore we're giving you a phrase you can use to make sure you return it on time. In Indonesian "When must I return it?" is Kapan harus dikembalikan? Let’s break it down by syllable ka-pan ha-rus di-kem-ba-li-kan. Now let’s hear it once again Kapan harus dikembalikan? The first word kapan means "when." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time ka-pan. kapan. This is followed by harus, which in Indonesian is "must." harus. ha-rus. harus. So to recap here, we have Kapan harus. Literally this means "when must." Let's take a look at the last word dikembalikan which means "to be returned." di-kem-ba-li-kan. dikembalikan. So altogether we have Kapan harus dikembalikan? Literally this means "When must it be returned?"
And finally, you may want to return it at a different location. In Indonesian "Can I return it at Yogya?" is Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya? Let’s break it down by syllable Bo-leh di-kem-ba-li-kan di Yog-ja? Now let’s hear it once again Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya? The first word boleh means "may" or "be permitted to." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time bo-leh. boleh. This is followed by dikembalikan, which in Indonesian is "to be returned," as we've already mentioned. dikembalikan. di-kem-ba-li-kan. dikembalikan. So to recap here, we have Boleh dikembalikan. Literally this means "May this be returned" Let's take a look at the next word di which is the preposition "in" or "at." di. di. Finally, we have our location, Yogya, which is the shortened form of the famous court town Yogyakarta. Again that’s Yogya. Yog-ya. Yogya. So altogether we have Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya? Literally this means "Can it be returned in Yogya?"
Riding and Driving conditions in Indonesia are on average rather horrendous. Roads are extremely congested and people drive rather 5:32??? Especially those on motorbikes. In the countryside the roads are poorly maintained as demonstrated by the multiple potholes typical of these roads. Therefore it’s just easier to walk, bike, take local public transport whenever possible or rent a car with the driver for longer distances. it’s not that much more expensive either. If you must rent a vehicle and drive yourself, please take a look at the pdf that accompanies this lesson.
Okay to close out today’s lesson we’d like for you to practice what you’ve just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for saying the Indonesian phrase out loud or in Indonesian, dengan keras. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer so selamat sukses, that means "good luck!" in Indonesian.
So here we go!
“I want to rent a car.” (Saya mau sewa mobil. Sa-ya ma-u se-wa mo-bil. Saya mau sewa mobil.
“I want to rent a bike.” (Saya mau sewa sepeda. Sa-ya ma-u se-wa se-pe-da. Saya mau sewa sepeda.
“When do I have to return this?” (Kapan harus dikembalikan? Ka-pan ha-rus di-kem-ba-li-kan? Kapan harus dikembalikan?
“Can I return it at Yogya?” (Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya? Bo-leh di-kem-ba-li-kan di Yog-ya? Boleh dikembalikan di Yogya?
Alright, that's going to do it for today!
Remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF. When you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.

