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Hello and welcome to Indonesian Survival Phrases, brought to you by IndonesianPod101.com This course is designed to equip you with the language skills and knowledge to enable you to get the most out of your visit to Indonesia. You'll be surprised at how far a little Indonesian will go. Now before we jump in, remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com. And there you’ll find the accompanying PDF and additional info in the post. If you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.
Indonesian Survival Phrases Lesson 31. Can I take your picture?
In this lesson we'll introduce a question related to, "Can you take our/my picture?" which in Indonesian is Tolong potret, ya? Let’s break it down by syllable to-long po-tret ya? There are cases when you may want to take a picture of someone or with someone, but before doing so, you'd like to ask for permission.
In Indonesian "May I take your picture?" is Mau dipotret? Let’s break it down by syllable ma-u di-po-tret? Now let’s hear it once again Mau dipotret? The first word mau means "to want." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time, ma-u, mau. This is followed by dipotret, which in Indonesian is "to have a picture taken." Dipotret. di-po-tret. dipotret. So altogether we have Mau dipotret? Literally this means "Want to have a picture taken of you?"
There may also be times when you want to take a picture with someone. In this case, you could ask by saying Mau dipotret sama saya? Let’s break it down by syllable ma-u di-po-tret sa-ma sa-ya? Now let’s hear it once again. Mau dipotret sama saya? The first two words mau dipotret make up the expression we've just learned, which means "want to have a picture taken?" Mau dipotret? Let's take a look at the next word sama which in this case means "with." Sa-ma, sama. Finally we have saya, which means "I" or "me." Let’s hear it again. sa-ya. saya. So altogether we have Mau dipotret sama saya? Literally this means "Want to have a picture taken with me?"
And finally, for asking permission to take a picture you can say "May I take a picture here?" which in Indonesian is Boleh potret di sini? Let’s break it down by syllable. Bo-leh po-tret di si-ni? Now let’s hear it once again. Boleh potret di sini? The first word boleh means "may" or "be permitted to." Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time. bo-leh. boleh. This is followed by potret, which in Indonesian is “to take a picture of” which we’ve already learned. potret. So to recap here, we have Boleh potret. Literally this means "May I take a picture?" Let's take a look at the last word di sini which means "here." di si-ni. di sini. So altogether we have Boleh potret di sini? Literally this means "May I take a picture here?"
It’s always wise to be courteous to people and their surroundings when you have something as probing as the camera and asking permission before you shoot is always a good measure. However there are a few additional things you should know if you decide to takes during the temple festival on the island of Bali. Number one, don’t climb the temple walls to get a certain vantage points for your pictures. This is sacrilegious. And number two, for that matter, never let the level of your head be higher than those at the celebrating high priests. This is also sacrilegious. In fact, when the high priest dis-escorted into the temple, everyone squats. Be sure to follow suit.
Okay, to close out today’s lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you're responsible for saying the Indonesian phrase out loud or in Indonesian, dengan keras. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so selamat sukses, that means "good luck!" in Indonesian.
All right so here we go!
“Can you take my/our picture please?” (Tolong potret ya. to-long po-tret ya. tolong potret ya.)
“May I take a picture of you?” (Mau dipotret? ma-u di-po-tret? mau dipotret?)
“Wanna a picture taken with me?” (Mau dipotret sama saya? ma-u di-po-tret sa-ma sa-ya? mau dipotret sama saya?)
“May I take a picture here?” (Boleh potret di sini? bo-leh po-tret di si-ni? boleh potret di sini?.)
Alright, that's going to do it for today!
Remember to stop by IndonesianPod101.com and pick up the accompanying PDF. When you stop by, be sure to leave us a comment.

