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Lesson Transcript

Maryssa: Slang Words Originating From Jakarta - Part 2
Maryssa: Hi everyone, and welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. I'm Maryssa.
Blanca: And I'm Blanca!
Maryssa: This is Must-Know Indonesian Slang Words and Phrases, Season 1, Lesson 24. In this lesson, you'll learn slang words originating from Jakarta — part 2.
Maryssa: The capital city has a lot to offer when it comes to slang expressions. In Indonesia, a ton of today's expressions were and have been coined from this city due to the vast array of media choices present here.
Maryssa: The expressions you will be learning in this lesson are:
Blanca: elo
Blanca: gimana
Blanca: gitu
Blanca: gini
Maryssa: Blanca, what's our first expression?
Blanca: elo
Maryssa: meaning "you."
Blanca: [SLOW] elo [NORMAL] elo
Maryssa: Listeners, please repeat.
Blanca: elo
[pause - 5 sec.]
Maryssa: Use this slang expression when you mean to say "you" to a peer.
Maryssa: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Blanca: [NORMAL] Elu seneng Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, kan? [SLOW] Elu seneng Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, kan?
Maryssa: "You are into Science and Technology, aren't you?"
Blanca: [NORMAL] Elu seneng Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, kan?
Maryssa: Okay, what's the next expression?
Blanca: gimana
Maryssa: meaning "how."
Blanca: [SLOW] gimana [NORMAL] gimana
Maryssa: Listeners, please repeat.
Blanca: gimana
[pause - 5 sec.]
Maryssa: Use this slang expression when you want to ask a how question.
Maryssa: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Blanca: [NORMAL] Gimana pestanya semalam? Meriah? [SLOW] Gimana pestanya semalam? Meriah?
Maryssa: "How was the party last night?"
Blanca: [NORMAL] Gimana pestanya semalam? Meriah?
Maryssa: Okay, what's our next expression?
Blanca: gitu
Maryssa: meaning "in that way, in that manner."
Blanca: [SLOW] gitu [NORMAL] gitu
Maryssa: Listeners, please repeat.
Blanca: gitu
[pause - 5 sec.]
Maryssa: Use this slang expression when you want to mean "so, such, that way."
Maryssa: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Blanca: [NORMAL] Dia memang gitu orangnya. Santai aja. [SLOW] Dia memang gitu orangnya. Santai aja.
Maryssa: "He always acts that way. Take it easy."
Blanca: [NORMAL] Dia memang gitu orangnya. Santai aja.
Maryssa: Okay, what's the last expression?
Blanca: gini
Maryssa: meaning "in this way, in this manner."
Blanca: [SLOW] gini [NORMAL] gini
Maryssa: Listeners, please repeat.
Blanca: gini
[pause - 5 sec.]
Maryssa: Use this slang expression when you want to mean "this way."
Maryssa: Now let's hear an example sentence.
Blanca: [NORMAL] Kamu bisa buka kaleng dengan cara gini. [SLOW] Kamu bisa buka kaleng dengan cara gini.
Maryssa: "You can open your cans this way."
Blanca: [NORMAL] Kamu bisa buka kaleng dengan cara gini.
Maryssa: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the expressions you just learned? I will describe four situations, and you will choose the right expression to use in your reply. Are you ready?
Maryssa: You want to ask how to get somewhere.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Blanca: gimana
Maryssa: "how"
Maryssa: You want to speak directly to a peer.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Blanca: elo
Maryssa: "you"
Maryssa: You demonstrate how to drive a car, while you are in the driver’s seat, to your son.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Blanca: gini
Maryssa: "in this way, in this manner"
Maryssa: You demonstrate the way your son should be driving from the passenger seat.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Blanca: gitu
Maryssa: "in that way, in that manner"


Maryssa: There you have it; you have mastered four Indonesian Slang Expressions! We have more vocab lists available at IndonesianPod101.com so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and see you next time!
Blanca: Sampai jumpa lagi!

