
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Becky: Hi everyone! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Lower Beginner Season 1 Lesson 15, When Are You Meeting Your Indonesian Friend For Dinner? Becky here!
Fira: Halo. I'm Fira.
Becky: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to pass on a message about scheduling. The conversation takes place in a kitchen.
Fira: And it’s between Siti and Fajar.
Becky: The speakers are sister and brother, so they’ll be using informal Indonesian. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Siti: Eh, temanmu Laura menelepon waktu kamu pergi.
Fajar: Dia bilang apa?
Siti: Hari Sabtu, makan malam dimulai jam 5 (lima).
Fajar: Di mana?
Siti: Rumah dia.
Fajar: Oke, makasih!
Becky: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Siti: Eh, temanmu Laura menelepon waktu kamu pergi.
Fajar: Dia bilang apa?
Siti: Hari Sabtu, makan malam dimulai jam 5 (lima).
Fajar: Di mana?
Siti: Rumah dia.
Fajar: Oke, makasih!
Becky: Listen to the conversation with English translation
Siti: Eh, temanmu Laura menelepon waktu kamu pergi.
Siti: Hey, your friend Laura called while you were gone.
Fajar: Dia bilang apa?
Fajar: What did she say?
Siti: Hari Sabtu, makan malam dimulai jam 5 (lima).
Siti: On Saturday, the dinner starts at 5 o'clock.
Fajar: Di mana?
Fajar: Where?
Siti: Rumah dia.
Siti: Her house.
Fajar: Oke, makasih!
Fajar: Okay, thanks!
Becky: Fira, where do Indonesians usually meet up?
Fira: The most popular, convenient and safe place to meet up with friends in Indonesia is shopping malls. There are many big shopping malls in almost every big city in Indonesia, and they have everything you need.
Becky: I think our listeners need to know some names of big department stores in Indonesia, just in case they’re asked to wait for their Indonesian friends there!
Fira: Good point, Becky! Major department stores like Matahari, Metro, Sogo, Seibu, and Debenhams are popular. Bookstores like Gramedia and Gunung Agung are also popular.
Becky: Ah, by the way, when I was in Indonesia, I noticed that people never bring their dogs inside cafes. Is that because it’s illegal?
Fira: It’s not illegal, but most shopping malls don’t allow dogs. Some places that allow you to bring your dog include Taman Suropati in Menteng, Ancol, and Tribeca Park.
Becky: Tribeca Park is located in the outdoor area of the Central Park mall in Jakarta.
Fira: That’s right. The Paris Van Java mall and Ciwalk or Cihampelas walk mall in Bandung, and the Pakuwon Trade Center mall in Surabaya also allow dogs.
Becky: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Becky: Let’s take a look at some of the vocabulary for this lesson
Becky: The first word is..
Fira: teman [natural native speed]
Becky: friend
Fira: teman [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: teman [natural native speed]
Fira: waktu [natural native speed]
Becky: time
Fira: waktu [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: waktu [natural native speed]
Fira: makan malam [natural native speed]
Becky: dinner, to have dinner
Fira: makan malam [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: makan malam [natural native speed]
Fira: rumah [natural native speed]
Becky: home
Fira: rumah [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: rumah [natural native speed]
Fira: dimulai [natural native speed]
Becky: to begin
Fira: dimulai [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: dimulai [natural native speed]
Fira: bilang [natural native speed]
Becky: to say, to tell
Fira: bilang [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: bilang [natural native speed]
Fira: pergi [natural native speed]
Becky: to go
Fira: pergi [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: pergi [natural native speed]
and last is...
Fira: menelepon [natural native speed]
Becky: to call
Fira: menelepon [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fira: menelepon [natural native speed]
Becky: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira: The first word is ..Makasih
Becky: which means "Thanks.” in an informal situation
Fira: Makasih is a shortened version of terima kasih or "Thank you," which you would use in a formal situation. You simply leave out teri to say it casually.
Becky: Since it’s informal, you can only use this expression between friends or in casual situations, right?
Fira: That’s right. In formal situations, make sure to say Terima kasih.
Becky: Can you give us an example?
Fira: Sure. When your friend helps you out somehow, you can say Makasih untuk bantuannya.
Becky: Which means "Thanks for the help.” What’s the next word?
Fira: Next, we have.. dia bilang
Becky: Which means "he says,” “he said” or “she says,” “she said.” Can you break down this phrase please Fira?
Fira: Dia is a pronoun meaning both "he" and "she". Bilang is the verb meaning "to say" or "to tell". So it means “he says.” or “she says”
Becky: It also means “he said” because in Indonesian, verbs in the present tense can be used for the past tense. When you deliver one person’s message to another, you can start the sentence with...
Fira: Dia bilang
Becky: and put the message after that.
Fira: For third person plural, we use mereka bilang to mean "they say/they said." Mereka is the pronoun meaning "they."
Becky: Sometimes, Indonesian people say a different word though, right?
Fira: That’s right. We sometimes use kata dia, which means “his word is...”' or “her word is…” instead of dia bilang. Kata means "word" and here, dia means "his/her" because it's placed after a noun.
Becky: Listeners, check out the PDF lesson notes for more examples and a quick tip about this phrase. Okay, now onto the grammar.

Lesson focus

Becky: In this lesson, you'll learn some useful phrases for when you’re passing on a message about scheduling in Indonesian.
Fira: We’re going to look at the top four phrases you can use when you’re in this situation.
Becky: Can you introduce them one by one?
Fira: Sure. First up is .. Dia bilang apa?
Becky: Which means "What did he/she say?
Fira: As we just learned, Dia bilang" means "he says/she says", and also "he said/she said." Apa is a word that means "what.”
Becky: This literally means "She said what...?" It can only be used for informal situations.
Fira: For the third person plural, you can ask Mereka bilang apa? to mean "What did they say?" or literally "They said what?"
Becy: Okay, what’s the next phrase?
Fira: Next we have.. Dimulai jam [time].
Becky: Which means "starts at [time]."
Fira: Dimulai is made up of the prefix di- and the root word mulai meaning "to start." Jam is a noun meaning "hour" or "clock."
Becky: For example, if you want to know what time the soccer game will start, you can say...
Fira: Pertandingan sepak bola dimulai jam berapa?
Becky: "When does the soccer game start?"
Fira: Here, we used berapa meaning "what" after dimulai jam which literally means "starting at clock."
Becky: Next we have..
Fira: Dia bilang / Kata dia
Becky: meaning “He/she said”
Fira: Dia is the pronoun meaning “he/she.” Bilang is the verb meaning "to say" or "to tell." Listeners, remember that kata dia has the exact same meaning as dia bilang, which is literally "her word is..."
Becky: Okay, and the last phrase is..?
Fira: Rencananya.
Becky: Which means "The plan, the plan is…”
Fira: Rencananya is made up of the root word rencana, which is a noun meaning "plan," and the suffix -nya which means "the" in this situation.
Becky: All together, it means "the plan." Since Indonesian doesn't have a verb like "to be" it also means "the plan is..." Can you give us an example, Fira?
Fira: Sure. Besok rencananya apa?
Becky: This means .. "What's the plan for tomorrow?"
brb please review the next script


Becky: Well, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi!

