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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone! I’m Alisha.
Welcome to Conversational Phrases!
We’ve found that the best way to learn a language is to speak it from day one! And the best way to start speaking is to learn phrases that you’ll use in real conversations.
In this lesson, you’ll learn conversational phrases to answer the question, "What are you going to talk about?" After watching this video, you’ll be able to introduce a topic you want to talk about.
Now, let’s take a look at some conversational phrases!
Listen to the dialogue.
Kamu akan berbicara tentang apa?
Saya akan berbicara tentang hobi saya.
Once more with the English translation.
Kamu akan berbicara tentang apa?
“What are you going to talk about?”
Saya akan berbicara tentang hobi saya.
“I'm going to talk about my hobbies.”
First of all you'll need to learn how to say “What are you going to talk about?”
That's: Kamu akan berbicara tentang apa?
Listen to it again: Kamu akan berbicara tentang apa?, Kamu akan berbicara tentang apa?
“What are you going to talk about?”
This Indonesian sentence literally translates as “You are going to talk about what?”
But it means “What are you going to talk about?”.
Now, how do you answer this question?
The pattern is:
Saya akan berbicara tentang [topic].
“I'm going to talk about [topic].”
For example:
“I'm going to talk about my hobbies.”
Saya akan berbicara tentang hobi saya., Saya akan berbicara tentang hobi saya.

