
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Hi everyone, this is Gabriella! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1, Lesson 8 – We’re Having Some Nice Weather in Indonesia!
Fira: Hello! This is Fira.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to describe the weather.
Fira: The conversation is between Andi and Lisa, who are on a weekend trip.
Gabriella: They’re good friends, so they’ll be using informal Indonesian.
ANDI: Cuaca hari ini sangat bagus. Tidak berawan, Matahari cerah bersinar.
LISA: Ramalan cuaca juga mengatakan tidak ada hujan hari ini.
ANDI: Dibandingkan cuaca dua hari lalu, hari ini jauh lebih baik.
LISA: Ini bulan Juli, jadi telah mulai musim panas.
ANDI: Omong-omong, kita sebentar lagi akan sampai di Bandung. Kamu sudah lapar?
LISA: Belum begitu lapar, tetapi kalau ada Batagor Bandung, mau juga makan.
ANDI: Iya sama. Setelah makan, kita dapat berbelanja di factory outlet di sana.
Damon: Now, let's hear it with the English translation.
ANDI: Cuaca hari ini sangat bagus. Tidak berawan, Matahari cerah bersinar.
GABRIELLA: The weather today is really nice. It's not cloudy and the sun is shining.
LISA: Ramalan cuaca juga mengatakan tidak ada hujan hari ini.
GABRIELLA: The weather forecast also said there will be no rain today.
ANDI: Dibandingkan cuaca dua hari lalu, hari ini jauh lebih baik.
GABRIELLA: Compared with the weather two days ago, today is much better.
LISA: Ini bulan Juli, jadi telah mulai musim panas.
GABRIELLA: It's July now, so summer will begin.
ANDI: Omong-omong, kita sebentar lagi akan sampai di Bandung. Kamu sudah lapar?
GABRIELLA: Anyway, we will arrive in Bandung shortly. Are you hungry now?
LISA: Belum begitu lapar, tetapi kalau ada Batagor Bandung, mau juga makan.
GABRIELLA: Not really hungry, but if we could find Batagor Bandung, I wouldn't mind eating.
ANDI: Iya sama. Setelah makan, kita dapat berbelanja di factory outlet di sana.
GABRIELLA: Me too. After eating, we can shop in the factory outlet over there.
Gabriella: So, Andi and Lisa are taking a weekend trip to Bandung. What are the main attractions of this city?
Fira: Well, first, its location. It’s 2,520 feet above sea level, so it has milder and cooler temperatures than Jakarta.
Gabriella: Also the city itself can be reached in only two hours by car, right?
Fira: Yes, it has been easy to access since the opening of the Cipularang Toll Road.
Gabriella: That’s good to know. And Bandung is full of natural sights like the Tangkuban Perahu volcano field, the tea processing plantation, and the rice field farming in suburban areas.
Fira: Yes, exactly! These places are perfect for people from big cities looking for a break in the countryside.
Gabriella: Yeah, it sounds like a good place for a break. What about the food? I’m sure it’s also a major attraction.
Fira: You’re right! There are so many delicious foods in Bandung, such as batagor which are meatballs in fried Tofu, and peuyeum or tapai singkong, which is sweet fermented cassava. People love the food in Bandung.
Gabriella: Shopping is also a huge attraction, isn’t it?
Fira: Yes, I love shopping there! All the textile and garment factories are near Bandung, and the factory outlets make it such an enjoyable shopping experience. You can get good quality clothes for very reasonable prices.
Gabriella: Wow, it sounds like it has everything!
Gabriella: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Fira: cuaca [natural native speed]
Gabriella: weather
Fira: cuaca [slowly - broken down by syllable] cuaca [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: berawan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: cloudy
Fira: berawan [slowly - broken down by syllable] berawan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: ramalan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: forecast
Fira: ramalan [slowly - broken down by syllable] ramalan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: lebih baik [natural native speed]
Gabriella: better
Fira: lebih baik [slowly - broken down by syllable] lebih baik [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: bersinar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to shine
Fira: bersinar [slowly - broken down by syllable] bersinar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: sampai [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to arrive
Fira: sampai [slowly - broken down by syllable] sampai [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: lapar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: hungry
Fira: lapar [slowly - broken down by syllable] lapar [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Fira: sebentar lagi [natural native speed]
Gabriella: shortly
Fira: sebentar lagi [slowly - broken down by syllable] sebentar lagi [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. Andi, uses a comparative in the dialogue, right?
Fira: That’s right. Andi says Cuaca hari ini jauh lebih baik. The words lebih baik are the comparative.
Gabriella: This can be translated as “better”, as in the dialogue, they’re talking about the weather being better than the weather two days ago. So basically it’s the same as comparative statements in English.
Fira: Right. An example sentence would be, Jam tangan yang dipakai Pak Joko lebih baik daripada jam tangan Andi.
Gabriella: “The watch that Mr. Joko wears is better than Andi’s watch.” Ok, what’s next?
Fira: Let’s look at weather words. First, the noun cuaca means “weather”, and some other terms that always relate to cuaca are musim…
Gabriella: ...“season”...
Fira: ...ramalan cuaca…
Gabriella: ...“forecast”…
Fira: ...hujan…
Gabriella: ...“rainy”...
Fira: ...panas…
Gabriella: ...“hot”...
Fira: ...and berawan…
Gabriella: …“cloudy”. Ok, can we have an example sentence using “weather”?
Fira: Cuaca hari ini memang sangat panas, padahal kemarin hujan deras.
Gabriella: “The weather today is extremely hot, considering that it was raining really hard yesterday.” Ok, let’s look at one more word.
Fira: How about sampai, meaning “to arrive”?
Gabriella: This is a verb that emphasises the end of a journey or trip.
Fira: For example, Dia sudah sampai di Bandung dua jam yang lalu.
Gabriella: “He already arrived in Bandung two hours ago.” Ok, nice work. Let’s move on to the grammar!
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn about describing the weather in Indonesian. We already talked about some weather words before, but which are common vocabulary, Fira?
Fira: Common expressions about weather are hujan or “rain”, panas or “hot”, and gerah or “stifling”.
Gabriella: And what if we want to ask about the weather forecast for tomorrow? How would we ask in Indonesian?
Fira: Simple, Gabriella. You can ask, Apa ramalan cuaca untuk besok? or Bagaimana ramalan cuaca untuk besok?
Gabriella: “What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?” or “How is the weather forecast for tomorrow?” That’s very formal. How about casual speech?
Fira: When talking to a friend for example, you can ask, Kira-kira, bagaimana cuaca besok?
Gabriella: “What do you think the weather will be tomorrow?”
Fira: Kira-kira apakah besok akan hujan?
Gabriella: “Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow?” The casual expression looks more complex, Fira. Is there a shorter or simpler way to ask these questions?
Fira: Sure. For a simpler expression you can say, Bagaimana cuaca besok?
Gabriella: Which can be literally translated as “How weather tomorrow?” “How is the weather tomorrow?” Very direct!
Fira: Yes, or you can say, Besok sepertinya akan cerah.
Gabriella: “Tomorrow will likely be sunny.” Good, I think I’m catching on.
Fira: Nice! Ok, I’ll leave you with my last example: Kita akan pergi berkemah, bagaimana cuaca tiga hari ke depan?
Gabriella: “We’re going to go camping. What do you think the weather will be like for the next three days?”


Gabriella: That’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Fira: sampai jumpa lagi!

