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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Hi everyone, this is Gabriella! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1, Lesson 14 - A Handy Indonesian Memorization Tip.
Fira: Hallo! I'm Fira.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use modal verbs with “will”.
Fira: We'll hear a dialogue between Hana and her brother, who will be using informal Indonesian.
Gabriella: The conversation takes place in a study room.
DANI: Kak, aku ada beberapa kesulitan.
HANA: kesulitan apa?
DANI: Aku kesulitan menghafal nama-nama elemen karena ada terlalu banyak elemen.
HANA: Akan lebih mudah membuat kata-kata dari singkatan elemen-elemen tersebut.
DANI: Bagaimana cara menciptakan kata-kata itu, Kak?
HANA: Mari kita lihat elemen gas mulia, kamu bisa membuat hubungan dari He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn dengan menggunakan kalimat Heaven Ne Ar Kryptone Xet Run.
DANI: Keren sekali. bagaimana dengan elemen yang lain?
HANA: Terserah kau membuatnya.
Damon: Now, let's hear it with the English translation.
DANI: Kak, aku ada beberapa kesulitan.
GABRIELLA: Sis, I'm having some difficulties.
HANA: kesulitan apa?
GABRIELLA: What difficulty?
DANI: Aku kesulitan menghafal nama-nama elemen karena ada terlalu banyak elemen.
GABRIELLA: I found it difficult to memorize the elements' names because there are too many.
HANA: Akan lebih mudah membuat kata-kata dari singkatan elemen-elemen tersebut.
GABRIELLA: It will be easier if you create rhymes for the elements' acronyms.
DANI: Bagaimana cara menciptakan kata-kata itu, Kak?
GABRIELLA: How do you create the rhymes, Sis?
HANA: Mari kita lihat elemen gas mulia, kamu bisa membuat hubungan dari He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn dengan menggunakan kalimat Heaven Ne Ar Kryptone Xet Run.
GABRIELLA: Let's see the noble gas elements; you can make the association of He Ne Ar Kr Xe and Rn by using the sentence "Heaven near Kryptone Xet Run."
DANI: Keren sekali. bagaimana dengan elemen yang lain?
GABRIELLA: Sounds cool. How about the other elements?
HANA: Terserah kau membuatnya.
GABRIELLA: It's up to you!
Gabriella: So Dani is preparing for his exam and asking his sister for help with the subject he’s studying.
Fira: It seems like Dani is studying chemistry, and the exam will be about the chemical elements.
Gabriella: Fira, what can you tell us about the education system in Indonesia?
Fira: Well, Indonesian citizens have compulsory education for nine years, which covers elementary school and junior high school.
Gabriella: After that, they may have an option to proceed to senior high school or vocational school. Then to proceed to university, especially public universities, they have to pass the national entrance examination.
Fira: So public universities are still the favorite for pursuing higher education.
Gabriella: Are there any good private universities that are also popular for students?
Fira: Well, there are also a lot of good private universities, for example Petra Christian University in Surabaya, Bina Nusantara University in Jakarta, and Muhammadiyah Malang University.
Gabriella: Those private universities also have quite good reputations in education, compared with the big-name public universities such as UI in Jakarta, ITB in Bandung, and UGM in Yogyakarta.
Gabriella: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Fira: kesulitan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: difficulty
Fira: kesulitan [slowly - broken down by syllable] kesulitan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: membuat [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to create
Fira: membuat [slowly - broken down by syllable] membuat [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: menghafal [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to memorize
Fira: menghafal [slowly - broken down by syllable] menghafal [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: lebih mudah [natural native speed]
Gabriella: easier
Fira: lebih mudah [slowly - broken down by syllable] lebih mudah [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: singkatan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: acronym
Fira: singkatan [slowly - broken down by syllable] singkatan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: elemen [natural native speed]
Gabriella: element
Fira: elemen [slowly - broken down by syllable] elemen [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: akan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: will
Fira: akan [slowly - broken down by syllable] akan [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Fira: yang lain [natural native speed]
Gabriella: the other
Fira: yang lain [slowly - broken down by syllable] yang lain [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira: Let’s start with kesulitan.
Gabriella: Which means "difficulty" in English.
Fira: It comes from the root word sulit, or "difficult" as an adjective. With the particle ke, added to the beginning, and an added to the end, the word becomes a noun, kesulitan.
Gabriella: I see. So we can conclude that every adjective with the particles ke-an added becomes a noun. Can you give us another example?
Fira: Sure! Let’s see bahagia for "happy," or kaya for "rich." With the particles ke-an added, they become kebahagiaan, meaning "happiness," or kekayaan, meaning "richness."
Gabriella: Good to know. What’s next?
Fira: Now the next word is lebih mudah, or "easier."
Gabriella: It's a comparative expression, right?
Fira: That’s right! It's derived from the words lebih, or "more," and mudah for "easy."
Gabriella: Here's a good tip - you can always make a comparative statement with this term, for every adjective. Ok Fira, please give us another example using the word lebih.
Fira: No problem, from the example words we’ve just discussed, lebih bahagia or lebih kaya.
Gabriella: “happier” and “richer”, Great! What’s next?
Fira: It’s yang lain, meaning "the other."
Gabriella: Yes, it functions as a noun. Mind you, sometimes for nouns that are already clear from prior reference, you can drop yang.
Fira: For example, in jalan yang lain, or "the other way," you can shorten it to jalan lain.
Gabriella: Interesting, how about an example in a sentence?
Fira: Let’s say you want to buy a book that’s not on display on the bookshelf, you could use ada buku (yang) lain karangan Shakespeare?
Gabriella: "Are there any other books of Shakespeare?" Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn about modal verbs using “will”. Fira, tell us about the modal verb “will” - what is it in Indonesian?
Fira: It’s akan, and it’s used to talk about something in the future.
Gabriella: In the dialogue, we saw that Hana talked about the possibility of memorizing a lesson in an easier way by using acronyms.
Fira: The following model can give you a tip on how to use akan. Start with the subject, add the modal verb akan, and after that add the verb or any other complement depending on the object.
Gabriella: So, it's much the same as in English. Can you give us a sample sentence?
Fira: Let’s use these examples, Aku akan ke bioskop setelah pulang kantor’, or ‘film itu akan dimulai pukul 7.30 sore’.
Gabriella: "I will go to the cinema after office hours." or "The movie will start at 7.30. p.m."
Fira: You can see the pattern in those two examples - modal verbs always come after the subject.
Gabriella: I think it's pretty clear, Fira. How about if we want to ask using the modal verb, is there a simple way to get the interrogative form?
Fira: Well, we can learn from this simple sentence, Apa yang akan kamu lakukan?’ Apa is "what," yang akan is "will", kamu is "you," and lakukan is "to do."
Gabriella: "What will you do?" So, basically what will are the initial words for asking, then we add the subject and the complement.
Fira: That’s right, apa yang akan means "what will". You can modify the object of the question with a specific noun. For example, buku apa is "what book," or makanan apa is "what food." Such as, Buku apa yang akan kamu pinjam?
Gabriella: "What book will you borrow?" Let’s break this down “what book” is …
Fira: … buku apa
Gabriella: Next is the word “will”
Fira: “Will” is translated in Indonesian as akan, but in terms of the interrogative, we need the connector word yang. So, the word "will" in interrogative becomes yang akan.
Gabriella: And finally the word “you borrow” is …
Fira: … kamu pinjam.


Gabriella: Well listeners, that’s all for this lesson. Thanks for listening, bye!
Fira: Sampai Jumpa lagi!

