
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gabriella: Hi everyone, this is Gabriella! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Beginner Season 1, Lesson 13 - A Convenient Way To Get Around Indonesia’s Biggest City.
Fira: Hallo! I'm Fira.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to describe sequences of events.
Fira: We'll hear a dialogue between Hana and her brother, who are using informal Indonesian.
HANA: Ke mana kelasmu akan mengadakan karyawisata besok?
DANI: Kami akan mengamati Pusat Primata Schmutzer di Ragunan. Masalahnya adalah aku tidak tahu bagaimana cara ke sana.
HANA: Kamu tidak pergi dengan teman sekelasmu?
DANI: Mereka ingin pergi di siang hari, sementara aku lebih suka pergi di pagi hari.
HANA: Dari Harmoni, naik Busway menuju Blok M. Lalu ganti jurusan dari Dukuh Atas menuju Ragunan, dan turun di pemberhentian terakhir. Ragunan adalah pemberhentian terakhir jurusan Dukuh Atas - Ragunan.
ANDI: Tunggu sebentar, mulai dari Harmoni menuju Blok M, di pemberhentian mana aku harus berganti bus?
HANA: Di pemberhentian Dukuh Atas. Ganti ke jurusan Dukuh Atas - Ragunan.
Damon: Now, let's hear it with the English translation.
HANA: Ke mana kelasmu akan mengadakan karyawisata besok?
GABRIELLA: Where is your class going for the field trip tomorrow?
DANI: Kami akan mengamati Pusat Primata Schmutzer di Ragunan. Masalahnya adalah aku tidak tahu bagaimana cara ke sana.
GABRIELLA: We're going to visit the Schmutzer Primate Center in Ragunan. The problem is I don't know how to reach the place.
HANA: Kamu tidak pergi dengan teman sekelasmu?
GABRIELLA: You're not going with your classmates?
DANI: Mereka ingin pergi di siang hari, sementara aku lebih suka pergi di pagi hari.
GABRIELLA: They want to go there at noon, while I prefer to go there in the morning.
HANA: Dari Harmoni, naik Busway menuju Blok M. Lalu ganti jurusan dari Dukuh Atas menuju Ragunan, dan turun di pemberhentian terakhir. Ragunan adalah pemberhentian terakhir jurusan Dukuh Atas - Ragunan.
GABRIELLA: From Harmoni, take the Busway heading to Blok M. Then transfer from Dukuh Atas Terminal to Ragunan and get off at the last terminal. Ragunan is the last stop of the Dukuh Atas-Ragunan Route.
ANDI: Tunggu sebentar, mulai dari Harmoni menuju Blok M, di pemberhentian mana aku harus berganti bus?
GABRIELLA: Wait a moment, start from Harmoni to Blok M, and at which terminal should I transfer?
HANA: Di pemberhentian Dukuh Atas. Ganti ke jurusan Dukuh Atas - Ragunan.
GABRIELLA: At Dukuh Atas stop. Transfer to the Dukuh Atas-Ragunan Route.
Gabriella: Looks like Dani wants to go to Ragunan on his class field trip, and he wants to go by bus. I’ve heard that there's a special Bus Rapid Transit system in Jakarta. Is that true, Fira?
Fira: It is! And now we're going to tell you about this BRT system, or ‘busway’ as Indonesians call it.
Gabriella: Yes, the busway is operated by the Jakarta local government. The idea was adopted from a successful system in Bogota, Colombia to reduce traffic jams by reducing the use of personal vehicles.
Fira: The busway in Jakarta has been operating since 2004 and currently serves passengers on 12 lines that can reach every point in Jakarta.
Gabriella: But it’s not just in Jakarta; the busway also has feeders that connect to suburban areas near Jakarta, such as Bekasi and Tangerang. Anyway Fira, I heard that the busway is cheaper in the morning?
Fira: Yes, that's true! This is actually to encourage passengers to use the busway in the morning, especially students who mostly go to school between 5 and 7 am.
Gabriella: The difference of the ticket fare is almost double. Ticket fares in the morning between 5 and 7 are only two thousand Rupiahs, while ticket fares after those times are three thousand five hundred Rupiahs. So, getting up and leaving early will save you a lot.
Gabriella: Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. The first word we shall see is...
Fira: karyawisata [natural native speed]
Gabriella: field trip
Fira: karyawisata [slowly - broken down by syllable] karyawisata [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: besok [natural native speed]
Gabriella: tomorrow
Fira: besok [slowly - broken down by syllable] besok [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: mengamati [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to observe
Fira: mengamati [slowly - broken down by syllable] mengamati [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: teman sekelas [natural native speed]
Gabriella: classmate
Fira: teman sekelas [slowly - broken down by syllable] teman sekelas [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: dari [natural native speed]
Gabriella: from
Fira: dari [slowly - broken down by syllable] dari [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: pemberhentian [natural native speed]
Gabriella: stop, terminal
Fira: pemberhentian [slowly - broken down by syllable] pemberhentian [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Fira: ganti [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to transfer
Fira: ganti [slowly - broken down by syllable] ganti [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Fira: terakhir [natural native speed]
Gabriella: last
Fira: terakhir [slowly - broken down by syllable] terakhir [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira: First, let’s talk about the word dari. Hana explains the route to Ragunan as dari Harmoni. Dari can be translated as “from.”
Gabriella: And it emphasizes the original position of the route. So it functions as a preposition. Can we have another example please?
Fira: Sure! Dari pasar, ibu datang membawa makanan.
Gabriella: “From the market, Mom comes home bringing food.” I wonder if dari also has another meaning besides “from”?
Fira: Yes, dari can also be translated as "of." For example, piala ini terbuat dari perunggu.
Gabriella: “This cup is made of bronze.”
Fira: rumah itu terbuat dari kayu.
Gabriella: “That house is made of wood.” Great! Now let’s discuss nouns. In Indonesian, what is typical of nouns in a sentence?
Fira: Here’s a good tip. If you see the particles pe-an, pem-an, or per-an on a word, that word will most likely be a noun.
Gabriella: That’s good to know! So the word for “terminal” is a noun then?
Fira: Exactly. The root word is berhenti, which means “to stop”. When the particle pem-an is added, it becomes pemberhentian, which means “terminal”, or a place to stop or to halt.
Gabriella: I see. How about the word "transfer," what do you say in Indonesian?
Fira: Well, in terms of transportation, it can be translated as ganti. For example, Sampai di Thamrin, ganti bus yang ke jurusan Sudirman.
Gabriella: “When you arrive in Thamrin, transfer to the bus heading to Sudirman.” Okay, now let’s move on to the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn to describe sequences. Fira, tell me about sequences in Indonesian. I see that Hana used them in the dialogue to give directions to her brother.
Fira: Yes, you're right Gabriella. Sequences can be found in giving directions or describing activities.
Gabriella: From the dialogue, we can see that Hana gives directions for how to go to Ragunan. The following model can give you a brief outline for sequences.
Fira: Start with pertama-tama for "the first," followed by lalu for "then" or kemudian for "after that," close it with dan for "end."
Gabriella: Can you put this in a sentence please?
Fira: Here’s a good example for giving directions. Pertama-tama naik kereta sampai Juanda, kemudian ganti naik bus ke arah Senen, dan berhenti di stasiun Senen.
Gabriella: "First take the train to Juanda, after that change to the bus heading to Senen, and get off at Senen station." It's much the same as in English then.
Fira: That's right. Let’s see the pattern here in another example. pertama-tama dia membuka pintu depan rumah, lalu ke luar mengambil koran, dan membaca di halaman depan.
Gabriella: "First he opened the front door, then went outside to pick up the newspaper, and read the newspaper in the yard."
Fira: That's right.
Gabriella: Ok, so how would you ask for directions in Indonesian then?
Fira: Well, there are many ways, but you can use this simple sentence, bagaimana cara ke sana, this literally means "How to go there?"
Gabriella: "There" can mean anywhere, right?
Fira: Yes, you can replace sana with a specific place, or address, or building you want to go. For example, if you want to go to Hotel Mulia, you can say bagaimana cara ke hotel Mulia?
Gabriella: "How do you get to Hotel Mulia?" Let’s break this down “how to” is ...
Fira: … bagaimana
Gabriella: Next is the word “go”
Fira: “Go” can be literally translated in Indonesian as pergi, but in terms of asking directions, the expression becomes cara, meaning "process," "method", or "means of transportation." So, the word cara refers to "go".
Gabriella: And finally the phrase “to Hotel Mulia” is ...
Fira: … ke Hotel Mulia


Gabriella: Well listeners, that’s all for this lesson. Remember to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson. Thank you very much for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
Fira: Sampai jumpa lagi!

