Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi, everyone! I'm Blanca, and you're watching Indonesian Top Words. Today's lesson is 10 Phrases for Surviving Back to School.
Interesting! We're back to school, like now, we're going to learn.
Ok, let's start!
1. ransel "backpack"
Saya suka ransel ini karena ringan dan isinya luas.
"I like this backpack because it is light and spacious."
Saya suka ransel ini karena ringan dan isinya luas.
2. teman sekelas "classmate"
Saya akan pergi makan siang bersama teman sekelas saya.
"I will have lunch together with my classmate."
Ring! Oh! It's lunch time! I'm going to eat lunch with my classmate. Let's go!
Hey, wait! I want to eat lunch too! I'm hungry! Wait!
3. pekerjaan rumah "homework"
Sudah tengah malam tapi pekerjaan rumah saya belum selesai. "It's already midnight, but I haven't finished my homework."
Please help, someone!
4. ujian "exam"
Apakah kamu sudah belajar untuk ujian besok? "Have you studied for the tomorrow's exam?"
So about "exam" or ujian, we have a system that we call SKS, it stands for Sistem Kebut Semalam. So the English for this is "overnight racing system"; if you have an exam tomorrow and you haven't studied at all, you're trying to study everything overnight, and that's what most students do. But that's the student life.
5. sekolah "school"
Sekolah saya terletak sekitar 15 menit dari rumah saya.
"My school is located around 15 minutes from my home."
6. belajar "to learn"
Saya ingin belajar mengendarai mobil.
"I want to learn to drive a car."
I think there's a lot to study beside learning how to drive a car, you can study how to cook Indonesian -
belajar masak "learn how to cook Indonesian food."
Or you can keep learning Indonesian like now.
7. libur musim panas "summer break"
Libur musim panas mendatang kami akan pergi bekunjung ke Hawaii. "On the upcoming summer break, we will travel to Hawaii."
So about this "summer break" libur musim panas, we actually don't have libur musim panas "summer break" because we have summer all year long. We don't have spring, autumn, or winter.
So we actually don't call it "summer break", we call it "end of the school year vacation." So it happens around May, June, it happens when you finish one school year, like, if you finish your fifth grade, then you're going to move to sixth grade, you get a break. You get, like, a month and a half of break.
So yes, we don't actually have summer break.
8. Kami berada di kelas yang sama! "We're in the same class!"
Yay! I'm not scared anymore!
9. Kelas apa saja yang kamu ambil? "What classes are you taking?"
I'm taking science, math, PE, chemistry, literature, English, Spanish, French, German, Chinese. Will I survive?
10. Apakah kamu sudah menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah? "Did you finish your homework?"
You don't have any homework? Really? Ok then, I will give you one. You can write on the comment section about this lesson today, anything that you want to write; if you like it, if you have a favorite phrase or word in Indonesian, or any question that you want to ask me.
Ok? That's your homework!
Ok, that's the end of the lesson today.
Don't forget that homework I just gave you just now!
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That's all, folks!
Sampai jumpa lagi!

