
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 9 - It’s Time to Party in Indonesia! I'm joined in the studio by...
Fira:Hello everyone. Fira here.
Jason:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to tell time in Indonesian.
Fira:So, where does this conversation take place?
Jason:It takes place in the hotel restaurant, where Edi is with Wayan. We’ve already met in Lesson 7. They are talking about possible plans for the following day.
Fira:Let’s listen to the conversation.
Fira:Wow, so they are going to have a big party tomorrow!
Jason:Yeah – and it’s taking place in the town of Solo, in Central Java.
Fira:That’s a pretty nice town.
Jason:Okay, so Fira - what’s the deal with Solo? Why is it such an important place?
Fira:Well, it’s another town in Central Java with a prominent court culture. There are actually two royal courts there.
Jason:Two royal courts, interesting – so what are they?
Fira:The main one in Solo is known as the Keraton Kasunanan, and is home to its current ruler, known as Sultan Pakubuwono XIII.
Jason:Oh, so it’s different from the Sultan in Yogya, which we went over in Lesson 3.
Fira:That’s right.
Jason:Alright, so what’s the other royal court you can find in Solo?
Fira:The other court is known as Puro Mangkunegaran, whose leader is known as Sri Mangkunegara IX. His court, by the way, has a really impressive open-walled pavilion called a pendhapa.
Jason:I hear when you listen to music performances there, the sound mixes and emanates throughout the space perfectly. Another thing – you’ve brought up the two court towns of Yogya and Solo. I think we should explain to everyone that these two towns have rivaling court cultures, even though they’re only about 35 kilometers away from each other.
Fira:That’s right. Each town – or to be more precise, each court – has its own style of music, dance, and aesthetics.
Jason:Okay, that’s good to know. Now, on to the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:The first word is ada. This is a very important word in Indonesian.
Jason:It means ‘there is’. It’s the verb that points out that certain things “exist”.
Fira:That’s right.
Jason:So how exactly can we use ada, Fira?
Fira:Well, you simply use the verb ada with a noun after it. That’s it.
Jason:That sounds easy enough. Then, how do you say “There’s a party”?
Fira:Ada pesta. A-da pes-ta. Pesta means ‘party’, so you can simply add Ada in the beginning.
Jason:Can we make a question out of that? So, take “there’s a party” – how do we say “is there a party?”
Fira:Oh, that’s simple as well. You can make a sentence saying ‘There’s a party’ then just add the question word apa and put it in the front of the entire phrase. So you get “Apa ada pesta” You just put apa in front of the ada – and there, you’ve made your question.
Jason:Okay, now let’s move to the grammar.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to tell time in Indonesian.
Fira:We’ll begin with the word jam. The word jam literally means ‘hour’.
Jason:Oh, we’ve seen this word in the conversation in this lesson – in the question “what time is it?”
Fira:Right – In the dialogue, Edi said “jam berapa”. Jam berapa?
Jason:So jam, as you just heard, means ‘hour’ – and berapa is another question word. This time, it means “how much” or “how many”. So what you’re literally asking is “the hour is how much” – in other words, “what time is it?”
Fira:To answer the question, you should know how to count 1 to 12 in Indonesian.
Jason:So let’s review them. First, the number “one” is:
Fira:satu. Satu.
Jason:“Two” is
Fira:dua. Dua.
Jason:“Three” is
Fira:tiga. Tiga
Jason:“Four” is
Fira:empat. Empat.
Jason:“Five” is
Fira:lima. Lima.
Jason:And “six” is
Fira:enam. Enam.
Jason:Okay, listeners, We’re halfway around the clock! Let’s continue.
Jason:“Seven” is
Fira:tujuh. Tujuh.
Jason:“Eight” is
Fira:delapan. Delapan.
Jason:After that, “nine” is
Fira:sembilan. Sembilan.
Jason:“Ten” is
Fira:sepuluh. Sepuluh.
Jason:And then, “eleven” is
Fira:sebelas. Sebelas.
Jason:And finally, we have “twelve”, which is
Fira:duabelas. Duabelas.
Jason:Well, we’ve made it through to number twelve! So, how do we use the word jam with our numbers?
Fira:This is also really easy. All you have to do is put the numeral after the word jam.
Jason:So, for example, to say “five o’clock”, you’d say…
Fira:You’d say jam lima. Jam lima.
Jason:Good. And how about “eleven o’clock?”
Fira:“Eleven o’clock” would be jam sebelas. Jam sebelas.
Jason:And just one more – how would you say “one o’clock?”
Fira:Well, “one o’clock” – that would be jam satu. Jam satu.


Jason:That’s it for this lesson. Thanks for listening. See you next time!
Fira:Bye in Indonesian

