
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason:Hi everyone. Jason here! Welcome back to IndonesianPod101.com. This is Absolute Beginner Season 1, Lesson 24 - You’re A ‘Shoe-in’ for Indonesian Bargains.
Fira:Hello everyone! I'm Fira.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to count over 100.
Fira:The conversation takes place at a traditional market. Edi is going to talk with the clerk at a local shoe store. They speak informal Indonesian.
Jason:Okay, let’s listen to the conversation.
Jason:Sounds like Edi was pretty successful settling on a price for his shoes.
Fira:Well, I don’t know. He didn’t manage to get it to 50%!
Jason:In Indonesia, you really need to bargain on the price right?
Fira:That’s right. There are tips to increase your chances of being offered a cheaper price.
Jason:I’ve heard one tip - buy more than one item, right? – I think vendors are more willing to take a lower price for two or more of the same type of item.
Fira:That’s right. And here’s another one. Go to the market early in the morning.
Jason:Why is that?
Fira:Haven’t you ever heard of “morning price”, Jason?
Jason:Ah, yes, you’re right – the morning price! I know that vendors welcome the first customers, so they are more flexible with giving discounts.
Fira:This is what’s known as the “morning price”. The vendors believe making sales early in the day will bring good luck for the rest of the day.
Jason:So listeners, if you’d like to get bigger discounts in the Indonesian market, get there first! Then you’ll get more discounts and even give the vendors good luck. Okay, now let’s take a look at the vocab.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira:The first phrase is Berapa harga ini? (slow) Be-ra-pa har-ga i-ni?
Jason:THis means how much is this. So how do you say ‘How much are these shoes?’
Fira:You can add the name of the items before ini. So simply say berapa harga sepatu ini? Sepatu means ‘shoes’, so all together sepatu ini means ‘these shoes’.
Jason:And in the dialogue, Edi said ‘bu’ at the beginning.
Fira:Right. Bu means ‘Ma’am’, so you will sound more polite if you use the word at the beginning of sentences. Being more respectful will give you more chances to get discounts.
Jason:Ok and do we have any more useful phrases to get discounts?
Fira:You can say harga itu terlalu mahal! This means “That is too expensive.” Harga means ‘price’, so ‘harga itu’ means ‘this price.’ And terlalu means ‘too’ and mahal means ‘expensive.’ All together, it means “that’s too expensive.” You can also simply say terlalu which means ‘expensive.’
Jason:Okay, now let’s take a look at the grammar point.
Jason:In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to count over 100. We’ve learned the numbers up to 100 in previous lessons. Fira, how do you say ‘100’?
Fira:One hundred is seratus. (slow) Se-ra-tus. We can break down seratus this way. First we have the prefix se-, which we’ve already seen in sepuluh which means ‘ten’. This se- prefix indicates ‘one’ of something.
Fira:And ratus can be used for hundreds. So Se-ratus means ‘one hundred.’
Jason:Okay, then what about “two hundred”?
Fira:You still need to use the root noun ‘ratus’. For 200, you can put ‘dua’ meaning ‘two’. All together, 200 is Duaratus in Indonesian. (slow) Duaratus
Jason:Okay, let’s take a look at the next one. What about “three hundred”?
Fira:Tiga ratus. (slow) Tiga ratus.
Jason:And “four hundred”?
Fira:Empat ratus. (slow) Em-pat ra-tus.
Jason:“Five hundred” is?
Fira:lima ratus.
Jason:Ok listeners, do you know how to say ‘Six hundred’ in Indonesian?
Fira:I think they may be able to guess! “Six” is enam, so to say “Six hundred”, you say enam ratus. (slow) enam ratus
Jason:And “Seven hundred” is
Fira:Tu-juh ra-tus. (slow) Tu-juh ra-tus. “Eight hundred” is delapan ratus. (slow) De-la-pan ra-tus.
Jason:Okay, one more! What is “Nine hundred”?
Fira:It’s sembilan ratus. (slow) Sem-bi-lan ra-tus.
Jason:Although the numbers are getting higher, it’s still simple! Then let’s keep going on to the bigger numbers. What about one thousand?
Fira:One thousand is seribu. (slow) Se-ri-bu.
Jason:Alright, let’s pause for a second – we’ve already reached the number for one thousand, and notice that we have seribu, which is the se- prefix plus our new base, ribu. Ribu means ‘thousand’. And in order to make multiples of thousand, you simply attach the numbers.
Jason:Let’s try some examples now. Fira is going to give you the Indonesian numbers first. Then I’ll give you the English translation five seconds later. Listener, you should try guessing the number out loud. Are you ready? Here’s the first one.
Fira:seratus empat puluh lima ribu. (Five sec)
Jason:Listeners, did you guess the meaning? It’s “one hundred forty-five thousand.”
Fira:Okay, on to the next one. Empat ratus enam puluh sembilan ribu lima ratus. (five sec)
Jason:Wow, that’s long. It is “four hundred sixty-nine thousand five hundred”
Fira:And here’s the last one. It is a little trickier, so I’ll read it twice. Listen carefully. lima ratus delapan puluh tujuh ribu enam ratus tiga puluh dua/ Okay, once again slowly; (slow) lima ratus delapan puluh tujuh ribu enam ratus tiga puluh dua (five sec)
Jason:Wow. That was not easy. It’s “five hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred thirty-two.”


Jason:Okay. That’s it for this lesson.
Fira:Thank you for listening everyone.
Jason:See you next time!

