
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fira: Hi, my name is Fira, and I am joined here by Jason.
Jason: Hello, everyone and welcome back to IndonesianPOD101.com. Absolute Beginner Indonesian, Season 1, Lesson 3: Where Can I Find the Exit in Indonesia?
Fira: Jason, what are we going to learn in this lesson?
Jason:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask about items and objects.
Fira: Ya, benar! That’s right.
Jason: So, where does this conversation take place?
Fira: It takes place at a famous spot in Yogyakarta, a town in Central Java. It’s the Keraton – the major royal palace. Edi is now on trip so he’s talking with a guide, Wati, at the palace. They will speak both formal and informal Indonesian.
Jason: Ok, let's listen to the conversation.
Jason: Well, Edi must’ve felt a bit awkward after that last question! At the same time, though, we did learn how to ask what something is, right?
Fira: That’s right. And it’s not that difficult to do, is it?
Jason: It certainly isn’t. And I especially like this dialogue since it’s not in the warung this time around. I mean, I like the warung, but it would be sad if Edi were to stay there all the time.
Fira: I agree. And I really like it that he is doing a little tour of the Keraton in Yogyakarta.
Jason: Yeah – that’s a very famous place in Indonesia, isn't it? So, first of all, where is it located?
Fira: It’s located in the town of Yogyakarta, in the south-central part of the island of Java.
Jason: And what’s so special about the city anyway?
Fira: Well, it’s where the Sultan of Yogyakarta resides. Do you know who the current Sultan is?
Jason: His name – it’s a long one – what was that?
Fira: Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. He also serves as the governor of the special region of Yogyakarta.
Jason: Yeah, that’s right. In the Keraton, you can see a lot of different things such as palace heirlooms, traditional woodcarvings, and cultural performances.
Fira: Yes, it’s certainly a fascinating place – worth more than just a day’s visit, I’d say.
Jason: Definitely. Now let`s take a look on the vocabulary for this lesson.
Jason:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Fira: The first word is keluar. It literally means ‘to the outside’.
Jason: That’s right. But, usually people use it as a verb to mean “to go outside”.
Fira: Right. And notice that with keluar, we don’t need an actual verb of “going”. This is similar to the case of mau kemana ‘Where are you going’, right?
Jason: That’s correct. And what’s the other meaning?
Fira: It’s also used as a noun which means “exit”. So, emergency exits are always marked with keluar – the exit.
Jason: So, in the dialogue, how did we use the word?
Fira: Ini keluar
Jason:This is an exit.
Fira: Ini means “this” or “this is”, and keluar means “exit”, so all together it means “This is an exit.”
Jason: Okay, on to the grammar.
Grammar Point
Jason:In this lesson, we're going to learn how to ask about items and objects.
Fira: First, we’re going to talk about two demonstratives in Indonesian, ini versus itu.
Jason: What do they mean?
Fira: As we checked earlier, ini means ‘this’ while itu means ‘that’. It’s not that much different from how we use demonstratives in English, right?
Jason: Yeah, you’re right. So, let’s give a couple of examples – first, how do we say ‘That is a coffee shop’?
Fira: It is "Itu warung".
Jason:And how do we say, ‘This is a tree’?
Fira: You say: Ini pohon. I-ni po-hon. Ini pohon.
Jason: And in Indonesian, we don’t use the verb ‘to be’. It’s just not necessary in this context. And Fira, I have one question. What happens if you reverse the order of those two elements?
Fira: You mean saying “Warung itu” instead of saying “itu Warung”, right?
Fira: if you said warung itu instead of itu warung, you’ve just said “that coffeeshop” rather than “that is a coffeeshop”. Likewise, if you say pohon ini rather than ini pohon, you’ll end up saying “this tree” rather than “this is a tree”.
Jason:I see. Then let’s talk about the pronoun apa, meaning “What”. How do you use it?
Fira: First it can be used wherever you would use the English word ‘what’, especially in questions. Let’s take an example; “Apa kabar?”.
Jason:“How are you?”, literally this means “What news?”. We learned it before, right? Also, you can simply make a question by adding ‘apa’ at the beginning of a sentence.
Fira: For example, “Mau jalan-jalan”. It means ‘I want to go for a walk’. But if you add “apa” in front of “mau”, then it becomes
Jason:‘Do you want to go for a walk?’ – so it immediately becomes a yes-no question.
Fira: And notice that we didn't add the pronoun Anda – that is, ‘you’ – anywhere in that sentence.
Jason: In that case, you should add a bit of a rising intonation at the end as well, to give another signal that this is a question. So, listeners, practice the way you say “Are you going to take a walk?” Repeat after Fira.
Fira: Apa mau jalan-jalan?
Jason:“Are you going to take a walk?”
Fira: Make sure you use the word ‘apa’ in the beginning of the sentence.
Jason:Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Fira:See you next time!

